One Precious Life

One Precious Life Was Penned & Compiled By Peter O'Neill

gravestone quote, precious life, good life, you are loved

See Your Yourself As God Sees You

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The Lord Sees
The Whole Picture

pregnant mom, ribbon around stomach

The Day You

Popped Out


babies feet, baby in fathers hands

The Arms That

Held You

baby being held, laughing baby, happy baby


baby loved quote, mommy holding baby



Your First Steps

child walking, baby first steps, shadow of baby


He Sees

It All

school begins, 1st day of school, starting education

All Your Education



little league pitcher, #13, baseball

The Times You

Did Well


unhappy student, sad boy, failed test

And The Times

You Failed


cool guy on phone, talking on telephone

The Days You

Were Soooo Cool




The Days

You Were

Just A Fool

stupid is as stupid does, quote



The Days

When It Seemed

Like You


The World

on top of the world, businessman on the phone



And The Days

When Your World

Fell Apart

oh God, quote, how could this have happened



The Good

playing a guitar, practicing guitar



The Bad

businessman in a storm, man with an umbrella



The Ugly

couple arguing, ugly argument, couple yelling, fighting


He Saw Everything...

The Ups & The Downs



Your First Kiss

first kiss, black and white of teens kissing, kissing in the woods


Your Last Breath

dying man with dog, last breath



Those You Helped

giving and helping others, making your life count



The Times

You Were

A Self-centered


it's all about me, self centered, crazy quote





Every Breath

seeing your breath on a cold day, breath vapor, staying warm



Every Cut

Bruise & Scrape

cuts, scrapes and bruises


Every Sickness

the flu, sick, cold, headache, pain, fever



Every Sadness

isaiah 53:3, acquainted with our griefs, quote, bible



Every Pain

head ache, pain, suffering, sickness, yelling, screaming in pain



And He Loved You From

The Beginning...

To The End.

Through It All

He Was There

jesus is always there, jesus talking with teen boy, backpacker



Through Every Sunrise

victory, hands up, sunset, sunrise, overcoming

And Every Sunset



Through The Winters


funny winter quote, funny snowman quote, funny cheap sale



The Summers


jesus walks with you quote, beach, old man, he's always with you quote



The Springs

new beginnings quote, spring time quote



The Falls

fall quote, get ready for winter, old man walking with cane

When You Questioned

cynic, questioning, unsure, man, pondering

When You Doubted

Is there really a god, atheist, agnostic, quote

When You Were

Stedfast & Sure

Job 19:25, I know my redeemer lives

When You Were Enlightened

Mark 16:15

mark 16:15, go ye into all the world

When You Were in Darkness

reaching the world for god

Through It All

He Loved You

No Matter What

jesus loves you, jesus reaching out

You Were

Precious To Him

jesus and child, flower, holding a baby

So Precious He Wanted To Give You Everything...

So He Gave Up Everything

So That You 

Could Live

jesus on the cross, sunset, crucifixion

Here & Now


Now & Forever

precious quote, heaven quote, eternal life

One Precious Life

     Life is an amazing thing. We all go through so much and each life is precious and wonderful. Everyday is an event and we often loose sight of the big picture, but the Lord doesn't. He sees it for what it is. Like an artist painting a masterpiece he pictures the final product. He knows it's not just one swish of the brush or one little part of the painting, but it's everything... All Put Together.

That Is... You And Me...

The Living, Breathing End Productions

Of The Masters'

Loving Handiwork.

We Are Forever Precious In His Eyes.

Precious, Important, Wonderful

So if the world tells you that you are worthless and unimportant... if you are ever tempted to think you don't matter... that no one loves you... that no one cares... Close Your Eyes & Remember... THAT YOU ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS THING TO HIM! He Will Never Leave You... He Will Never Forsake You... He Will Never Let you Go! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER... He Will Forever Hold You In The Palm Of His Hands & The Center of His Heart! You Are Always & Forever...

Precious To HIM!

You are Precious

That's It For This One Friends…

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